Hey guys, I'm going to start a new thing where I try to post pictures for things in my story, just to help with the visual. These are pictures of Elena's new room.
December 24, 2010
December 16, 2010
New Story Coming Soon!
Hey, guys! I had another idea for a story and I'm super anxious to get it written. Now that the semester has let out for Christmas break, I have a lot more time on my hands to write. :) So far for the new story, I have the banner created. Let me know what you think... :D
December 10, 2010
New Banner!
Hey, guys. This is just a quick update to show you all the amazing new banner sent in to me from ayna93 for The Obscure Line. I absolutely love it. It makes me sigh with happiness. It completely captures the feeling of the story. :D
November 28, 2010
Hey, guys.
I'm so sorry I've been completely gone for the past two weeks.
I have a good 10 pages written for chapter 14, but I'm not really satisfied. I'm having writers block and trying so hard to find inspiration that it's drowning my story. When I force the words, they come out wrong and pushes me even further away from writing.
However, I think it's all starting to slowly come back and I'm hoping to finish the chapter within the next few days.
Another reason I may have been pulled away from writing is because it's the end of the semester and my university classes are getting crazy. I'm going into my senior year this spring so everything is getting more intense and distracting me from writing; which, I would think, is somewhat understandable. We know how real life gets.
So, with that all said, I'm giving you guys a sneak peek of the new chapter.
I'm so sorry I've been completely gone for the past two weeks.
I have a good 10 pages written for chapter 14, but I'm not really satisfied. I'm having writers block and trying so hard to find inspiration that it's drowning my story. When I force the words, they come out wrong and pushes me even further away from writing.
However, I think it's all starting to slowly come back and I'm hoping to finish the chapter within the next few days.
Another reason I may have been pulled away from writing is because it's the end of the semester and my university classes are getting crazy. I'm going into my senior year this spring so everything is getting more intense and distracting me from writing; which, I would think, is somewhat understandable. We know how real life gets.
So, with that all said, I'm giving you guys a sneak peek of the new chapter.
I shut the door behind me and leaned against it, preparing to leave if need be.
“What did you want to talk to me about, Stefan?” I asked, not wanting to take any time beating around the bush.
He lifted a hand and motioned to a blocky, navy-blue cushioned chair in the corner. “Will you sit?”
I shook my head. “No.”
He sighed. “Okay, then.” He stood up and walked over to me, stopping about three feet away. “I need to apologize to you.” I automatically pulled my lower lip in between my teeth, feeling my nerves being rattled. “Those things I said to you the day you left were wrong to say.”
“They were true, though,” I interjected.
“Nevertheless, they were wrong of me to say,” he repeated. “You’re a grown woman and we were no longer dating. If you wanted to have…a relationship with Damon, then that was your right. I shouldn’t have treated you unkindly for it.”
I shrugged. “It’s good that you did, I guess. It got me away from here.”
“Elena, I wish you didn’t feel that way.” He reached forward and took my hand. “I miss you.”
So, that's all you get. Lol. Hope you enjoyed and I reallllly hope you guys are still out there waiting for new chapter. The last chapter didn't get very many reviews, maybe 8 or so, so I'm hoping people are still reading.
See you guys soon.
P.S. I'm wondering if anyone would like to make some banners for one or more of my stories. I'm wanting to decorate their pages more. You'll get all the credit, of course and I'll talk about it in my ending authors note. If you come up with anything, email me at athazagoraphobiac@live.com . Thanks!
November 1, 2010
New Story Coming Soon
Guys, I definitely pulled a Stephenie Meyer last night and had a dream that I am now determined to turn into a fanfiction story. I'm extremely excited. The dream was so vivid and had so much built into it. That little plot bunny just hopped right into my head, said hello, and planted itself there.
I'm going to get chapter 12 of TOL finished, and then start on chapter 1 of this story. I don't think I will post it before I'm finished with TOL because I'm not sure how well I can handle doing two stories at once, but I need to get it written down before I forget it.
Thanks for all the reviews on TOL. I'm really glad you guys like it so far. As to where this story is going, I don't even know. I'm going chapter at a time. Lol.
I'm going to get chapter 12 of TOL finished, and then start on chapter 1 of this story. I don't think I will post it before I'm finished with TOL because I'm not sure how well I can handle doing two stories at once, but I need to get it written down before I forget it.
Thanks for all the reviews on TOL. I'm really glad you guys like it so far. As to where this story is going, I don't even know. I'm going chapter at a time. Lol.
October 8, 2010
Lack of new chapter...
Hey guys. So, it's Friday and a new chapter has not been posted for The Obscure Line. Unfortunately, I don't think there will be a new chapter this week at all. I will be gone out of town for several days (with no opportunity to write) and I've been studying and preparing for midterms (What. A. Bummer, let me tell you.) I'm really hoping you guys understand and I'm going to try my best to find some time to work on the new chapter soon!
September 29, 2010
Sneak Peek of Chapter 8- TOL
Chapter 8 of The Obscure Line is nearly complete, but after I finally finish it, it will need to be sent to beta and all that jazz. So, I figured I'd give you guys a little sneak peek of it. Enjoy!
“Elena, what the hell are you doing?” I heard from above me and I closed my eyes tightly. Breathing was starting to get harder and harder. The pressure on my back was suddenly gone and two strong arms yanked me up and slammed me roughly into another tree.
I gasped for air and looked into Damon’s eyes. I could instantly tell he was furious. “Do you not understand that everything I do is to protect you?!” he growled. It didn’t go unnoticed how he said “I” instead of “we.” He slammed his fist into the large tree behind me and I watched as splintered bark fell in front of me.
“I just want to go home,” I whispered.
“You can’t!” he yelled, bringing his face closer to mine. “You can not go home, Elena! I don’t know what Katherine is planning and she will kill you if she decides to!”
“Maybe I want to die!” I shouted back. “Maybe I’m so sick of all of you and all of this that I would prefer death!”
His eyes were soft for a split second. “You wouldn’t want that, Elena. Trust me.”
I narrowed my eyes and placed my hands on his chest and pushed, just like I had done when we were at my apartment. “Just let me go, Damon.”
Quickly, Damon grabbed both of my wrists in one of his hands and he lifted them above my head. He stepped forward so that his body was pressed against mine and a new fire took over his eyes. “How many times do I have to say no before you realize I’m not going anywhere.”-----
So, comment, comment, comment! Tell me how evil I am for leaving you hanging on this. ;P
September 26, 2010
My Writing Method
Hey, guys. So, this is a question I actually get in my e-mail quite often: How do you go about writing your stories? Do you have everything planned out before you start writing? Do you outline it?
Many of the authors I read take time to sit down and outline their stories before they start. They know where they're starting, where they're going to end up, and what's going to happen along the way. I don't write like that at all. Lol. The only story I've ever written where I knew how it was going to end before I got to the end was Captive. I'm a college student and I'm forced to write way too many papers where I have to actually sit down and do research on certain topics then outline the papers. Why would I want to do that when I'm just writing for fun? I like not knowing where exactly I'm going. Of course I always have a general idea of how the story is going to go. I usually know who's going to fall in love and who isn't. But for the most part, I let the story take me where it wants to go. I let the characters speak for themselves.
Often what I will do to start a story is start with some sort of concept. I then get my laptop out and start typing away. Then I post the chapter. When you guys finish each chapter, you then know as much as I do about what's going to happen next until I find time to get out the laptop again and write. When I go into chapters, I never know exactly what's going to happen. I just write and it all somehow forms itself.
Honestly, it's extremely freeing for me to write this way. I'm never held down by an outline saying it's going to go this way, then this way, then this way. My stories flow how they want to.
So, hope that answers a bit of your questions. I'm currently working on chapter 8 of The Obscure Line. I'm hoping to get it sent to beta within the next few days, but I've had some issues with needing to go in and out of town lately, so we'll see how that actually goes. Until next time. :)
Many of the authors I read take time to sit down and outline their stories before they start. They know where they're starting, where they're going to end up, and what's going to happen along the way. I don't write like that at all. Lol. The only story I've ever written where I knew how it was going to end before I got to the end was Captive. I'm a college student and I'm forced to write way too many papers where I have to actually sit down and do research on certain topics then outline the papers. Why would I want to do that when I'm just writing for fun? I like not knowing where exactly I'm going. Of course I always have a general idea of how the story is going to go. I usually know who's going to fall in love and who isn't. But for the most part, I let the story take me where it wants to go. I let the characters speak for themselves.
Often what I will do to start a story is start with some sort of concept. I then get my laptop out and start typing away. Then I post the chapter. When you guys finish each chapter, you then know as much as I do about what's going to happen next until I find time to get out the laptop again and write. When I go into chapters, I never know exactly what's going to happen. I just write and it all somehow forms itself.
Honestly, it's extremely freeing for me to write this way. I'm never held down by an outline saying it's going to go this way, then this way, then this way. My stories flow how they want to.
So, hope that answers a bit of your questions. I'm currently working on chapter 8 of The Obscure Line. I'm hoping to get it sent to beta within the next few days, but I've had some issues with needing to go in and out of town lately, so we'll see how that actually goes. Until next time. :)
September 25, 2010
First Blog
Hi, guys! I've decided to start this blog thing so I can connect with my readers more than just writing to them on Twitter or leaving a small Authors Note at the end of my chapters. I also want to be able to just fill you in more about what's going on with certain stories while I'm in the process of writing them.
For this first official blog, I don't have a whole lot to say. Chapter 7 of The Obscure Line has been finished and will hopefully be posted on fanfiction soon. In the meantime, I whipped up a quick little banner for the story; please let me know what you think about it! I made it in about 15 minutes, so it's nothing special. I think it just sets the tone for the story.
For this first official blog, I don't have a whole lot to say. Chapter 7 of The Obscure Line has been finished and will hopefully be posted on fanfiction soon. In the meantime, I whipped up a quick little banner for the story; please let me know what you think about it! I made it in about 15 minutes, so it's nothing special. I think it just sets the tone for the story.
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