September 26, 2010

My Writing Method

Hey, guys. So, this is a question I actually get in my e-mail quite often: How do you go about writing your stories? Do you have everything planned out before you start writing? Do you outline it?

Many of the authors I read take time to sit down and outline their stories before they start. They know where they're starting, where they're going to end up, and what's going to happen along the way. I don't write like that at all. Lol. The only story I've ever written where I knew how it was going to end before I got to the end was Captive. I'm a college student and I'm forced to write way too many papers where I have to actually sit down and do research on certain topics then outline the papers. Why would I want to do that when I'm just writing for fun? I like not knowing where exactly I'm going. Of course I always have a general idea of how the story is going to go. I usually know who's going to fall in love and who isn't. But for the most part, I let the story take me where it wants to go. I let the characters speak for themselves.

Often what I will do to start a story is start with some sort of concept. I then get my laptop out and start typing away. Then I post the chapter. When you guys finish each chapter, you then know as much as I do about what's going to happen next until I find time to get out the laptop again and write. When I go into chapters, I never know exactly what's going to happen. I just write and it all somehow forms itself.

Honestly, it's extremely freeing for me to write this way. I'm never held down by an outline saying it's going to go this way, then this way, then this way. My stories flow how they want to.

So, hope that answers a bit of your questions. I'm currently working on chapter 8 of The Obscure Line. I'm hoping to get it sent to beta within the next few days, but I've had some issues with needing to go in and out of town lately, so we'll see how that actually goes. Until next time. :)

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